Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Success

Success 61 The Gaian Dragon I Ching

The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar

#61 : Success

Success is the product of perseverance, and adherence to Truth

Breakthrough begins in the mind. Encourage Friendship. Be a true Friend. Be alert to Adversity. Let Love be your Guide. Success does not feed upon Conflict

Preparation is everything. Choose assistants with care. Do not feed Opposition. Ignore naysayers. Create with vision. Use Power sparingly

Demonstrate faith in your abilities by using them

The Image

Make things happen

Rise to the occasion

Understand prevailing attitudes

Illuminate the sky

The Inside

Do not begin before you are ready. The Dragon is not fooled. Avoid friendships which carry a price. Be Aware. Do not allow your attitude to generate mistrust. Be Real. Realize when there is nothing you can do to improve a situation, and leave quietly. Pay attention. The Dragon uses Love to work the Magick that unites people. Those who do not belong will leave, your friends will remain. Supreme Good Fortune! Using conflict to solve your problems, can only lead to future conflicts. Be Aware!

The Outside

Before you can use the pot, it must be cleaned. Be sensible. The Butterfly looks around. Pursue your Goals earnestly, but remember to follow the Middle Way. Meditate. Complete your commitments despite insults, and other difficulties. No blame. The Bees guard the hive. Restrain trouble by stalling and delaying it. Be Aware. The Dragon flies through space. A great leader serves as a catayst, teaching through example and deed. Supreme Good Fortune! Consolidate your position after succeeding with leverage, then take a rest. Meditate.

The Lines

Top : All situations serve to Enlighten those who are devoted to the Truth. Supreme Good Fortune!

5 : The Dragon can be seen by all. Make certain that Truth is available to those who sincerely seek it. Be Aware.

4 : The Bees guard the hive. Make no mistake. Refrain from idle competition with your neighbors. Grow up!

3 : The Wise make sacrifices for their integrity. A fool hoards the wealth that he has. Be Real.

2 : The Butterfly looks around. Hard workers are essential for large projects. Think!

1 : Avoid evil people. Assume nothing about the future. No blame.

The Week of Success

Success' Circle of Friends

The Outside The Inside


The Creative








The Pot


These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world

Crystal Dreaming

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